Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dan Layus/ Augustana



Over the course of my twenty- five years, I've fallen in and out of love with numerous bands. Some I grew weary of, others changed their sound beyond recognition, causing me to abandon them. Then there are bands that no matter what, I'll never stop listening to. Augustana has endured members leaving and returning, loss of labels, lackluster album sales and even temporary hiatus. Through all of that, they've maintained their essence in the form of front man Dan Layus.
With a vocal range that is undefinable and an inflection that makes you believe every word he's saying comes from his gut, you can't ask for a more competent lead singer. Couple that with a sound that is pure rock 'n' roll and you've got music that's perfect for driving, singing along with and playing again and again. As much as I enjoy their fast- paced tracks, it's their slower, more contemplative songs that have made me a fan. I'm not referring only to their hit single, "Boston". Songs like "Where Love Went Wrong" and "Twenty Years" never fail to pull me in as they build to a evocative finish.
At the moment, the music industry is saturated with confectionery, disposable Top 40 hits. Sadly, bands and singers that display true artistry are overlooked if they don't go platinum right out of the gate. Fortunately, bands like Augustana continue to make real music for those of us who still appreciate it.

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